Combatting January Blues: Vitamin D3 🌞

VitD3 also known as “The Sunshine Vitamin” - is a hormone like vitamin which is produced by our body during exposure to the Sun’s UVB rays. Cholesterol in our body helps support the conversion of skin pigment melanin into vitD3 the most active form of vitamin D, which is then metabolised in our liver and kidneys and transported to our blood steam. This January’s cloudy weather in UK didn’t really give us much chance to boost those levels unless you were lucky to escape to some other hot and sunny country 🛫. As little as 15 minutes of Sun exposure a day can help us to produce sufficient amount of vitD3, the amount we produce can vary depending on the time of the day, our skin colour and the time of year. Air pollution, latitude, cloud cover, body exposure and use of sunscreen are a few of the factors which may affect the production. It has been reported that 1 in 5 of us are vitamin D deficient.

Depletion of vitamin D has been linked to mood disorders such as seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and depression. Studies suggest that increasing the dose of vitD can be helpful in decreasing the symptoms of depression. VitD is believed to support synthesis of neurotransmitters called monoamines i.e. serotonin “the feel good hormone” in the brain, which could potentially help to treat depression and mood disorders. Great food sources of vitD are oily fish such as: salmon or mackerel, egg yolks, small amounts are also found in beef liver and fortified foods i.e. milk or dairy products. If you are unable to soak in the Sun rays, supplementing with vitD3 can also be a good way to ensure that we have a sufficient amount of it (make sure you consult with your health practitioner to discuss appropriate dose suitable for your needs and requirements).

Enjoy the sunshine 😎

